Inescapable Entanglement

Ars Electronica Festival 2022 - Welcome to Planet B
Clara Francesca (AU/IT), Anne Wichmann (DE), Letizia Artioli (IT), Luca Cacini (IT)


AR (Augmented Reality) 

Video Mapping Projection 


Inescapable Entanglement presents a posthumous narration of the emotional responses triggered by the climate change crisis. Within this framework, the inquiry into the potential of technology as a tool for addressing this issue is juxtaposed with the recognition of Solastalgia, the psychological distress arising from environmental transformations. Through an interdisciplinary approach that interweaves performance, augmented reality (AR) incorporating real-time climate change metrics, immersive soundscapes, and data visualizations of biometric responses, the audience is invited to explore diverse perspectives on coexistence with our interconnected planet. The convergence of artistic expression and scientific inquiry in this experience encourages critical reflection on the complex entanglements between humanity, technology, and the environment, and prompts contemplation of our collective responsibilities toward mitigating the impact of climate change.

The project incorporates elements reclaimed from the landscape destroyed by wildfires.

Made of recovered wood from a wildfire in Italy (Toscana, 19/07/2022, 195 hectares) the QR acts as a bridge to the AR simulacrum that describes and represents the incendiary devastation.

In an anti-extractivist logic, we were concerned to develop a project that, rather than consuming resources, would strive to create a dialogue between what is lost and what is possible to create in the process. In the Mediterranean area, 2022 is a record year for fires: while in the last 15 years, the average has been 263 for the entire season, those that have broken out in Italy since the beginning of the year have already reached 243. To date (data updated on 25 July) 27,704 hectares have been burnt, against a historical average of twice that of almost 54,000 hectares.